Liberating women’s retreats to awaken to our authentic selves.


Release, reconnect and awaken the wild within. Experience yoga, ecstatic dance, healing sound baths and empowerment workshops with a community of like minds and team of expert facilitators.


The Transformation Process

  • Release

    We are creating a safe container for women to release trauma and toxic emotional residue in the body. Our facilitators will guide you through somatic healing practices, art, expression and community.

  • Connect

    Connection provides a sense of relief in our mind, body and spirit. Our dream is to establish a service mindset in our community to heal ourselves and the world around us.

  • Awaken

    Are you ready to awaken parts of yourself that have been suppressed in response to trauma and cultural conditioning?⁠

Retreats Inclue

  • Eco Luxury Accommodations

  • Breathwork Journey

  • Yoga

  • Sisterhood

  • Ecstatic Dance

  • Sound Healing

  • 3 Daily Organic & Local Meals

  • Cacao Ceremony




Meet The Facilitators

Explore our expert facilitators and discover what makes them the right choice for your transformational weekend.


Find yourself among the spirit of the earth — the sun, the stars, the moon, the water, the animals


Find yourself among the spirit of the earth — the sun, the stars, the moon, the water, the animals *


Why our last retreat was at Chozen..

It’s simple. Our mission is aligned!

ChoZen’s mission is to inspire action to protect mother nature and all of its inhabitants, becoming a catalyst of awareness for the fragility of our planet. ChoZen spaces and experiences are an invitation for thought leaders and change makers across all disciplines and backgrounds to honor themselves and nature as a path to restore the balance between the planet and humanity.

Located within the most biodiverse lagoon system in the Northern Hemisphere, this area is home to 10,000 species of flora and fauna and 35 endangered species, including the Florida Panther. It serves as a nursery ground and spawning for oceanic species, lagoon fish and shellfish, and regular sightings of wild turkeys, turtles, manatees, schools of dolphin, bobcats, and hawks is a part of daily life.

Land Acknowledgment

We acknowledge that we gather as Primal Awakening Retreat on the traditional land of the Seminole, Ais, Miccosukee, and Mascogo peoples past and present, and honor with gratitude the land itself and the people who have stewarded it throughout the generations. This calls us to commit to continuing to learn how to be better stewards of the land we inhabit as well.

Goss Magazine

Model Perspective

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